Sunday, February 24, 2013

Game of Thrones!!! aaarrrggg! ::flips over table::

Trailer for the new season of Game of Thrones. This is such an amazing season. If you have not seen it I recommend you give the first episode a shot.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Rap Rat! Try saying that ten times fast!

Oh man do i love me some MrCreepyPasta just really awesome vids i love to hear. I need to start uploading these to my ipod. Ok so I ran into this creepy pasta today and thought what better gift can I give than the gift of Creepy Pasta! Enjoy! Oh and just a little tip, try to listen to these with earphones. Makes it even more fun!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

With Great Power......

So i was thinking about the latest Spider-Man film, and was wondering why they never used that famous "with great power, comes great responsibility" quote that we all associate with Peter and his uncle Ben. How awesome is that quote? Its just one of those iconic things that goes down in comic book history, like Bruce Wayne witnessing the death of his parents or Captain America punching Adolf Hitler. Anyway, back to the quote, why didn't they use the quote? There was so many times I thought they would use the quote. The time I thought for sure they would was at the end of the film when Peter Parker hears his voice mail. I would love some feed back if you know the reason why the didn't use it or just anything you liked or didn't like about the most recent Spider-Man film, would love to hear feedback.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Final Fantasy XIV Beta

I have been waiting for this game for a long time! I remember reserving Final Fantasy 13 because they gave you a beta code for 14! After pretty much having to blow up the Final Fantasy XIV world to make room for a remake version of it. Well hopefully this time they come through and release the dam game for the Playstation 3. For those who signed up for the beta for this game will be happy to hear that they plan to release phase 1 of beta on the 25th of February. For anyone interested, I encourage you to check out the game its shaping up to be a really good MMORPG.

 Heres a vid of the old XIV world being destroyed. Great stuff!!

First Post

First post! Weehoo! I wasn't sure what to post up first. I decided on a really cool creepy pasta I found online. I am a big Disneyland fan so this caught my eye right away, check it out! Oh, and I suggest listening to it with some earphones.......if you dare. :D